Talent Attraction Technology

Run 1000s of job ads automatically

Get the right job in front of the best person, at the right time, within budget. Reach the unreachable through beautiful job ads on social media, with a transparent view of costs and ROI.

Lower job ad spend
Higher job ad ROI
More positions filled

Trusted by 70+ leaders in the people industry

Improve Hiring Success

Reduce deployment costs on socials

Tap into passive job seekers with job advertising on social media. Bring down your recruitment costs and make more placements, while increasing ROI.

Save Time

Publish thousands of striking job ads at once

Instantly turn your XMLs into visually stunning social media job ads that attract top talent. Wonderkind revolutionises the way you publish job ads.

Unrestricted Access

Fill positions you couldn’t fill before

Want more eyeballs on your positions and your brand? We make running job ads on social media as easy as posting on job boards like Indeed. You’ll get access to more candidates than ever before.

Why performance marketers get addicted to our talent tech

What you're used to

Most performance marketing managers think running job ads on social media is hard. You give up easily or never try, and fail to see its ROI.

Not using social media for recruiting at all
Manually working in Facebook Business Manager
Needing 45 minutes to create a job ad
Boring job advertisements
High job advertisement costs
Insufficient volumes of applicants
With Wonderkind

When performance marketing managers see what Wonderkind lets them achieve, they tend to go all in. The ROI of scaling up is unrivalled.

Being present where candidates spend time
Automatically turning job feed XMLs into job ads
Instantly publishing social job ads at scale
Engaging audio/visual content for socials
High ROI on job ads for social media
Filling positions you couldn’t fill before

Start recruiting on socials, today

Job ads at scale
Predictable results
Transparency around margins
ROI Calculator

Calculate your return on investment

Staffing firms use Wonderkind to automate posting job ads to social media. They make more placements, without increasing budget.

How Wonderkind works

Add your job input via XML or in the Wonderkind dashboard

We automatically match job profiles to templates, visuals and copywriting

Launch your ads, optimise at scale and get real-time analytics and reports

"It takes me about ⅓ of the time to set up job ads with Wonderkind compared to doing it by myself. Anyone who’s not experienced with advertising can suddenly create high-performing job campaigns."

Yuri Wouda

Business Development Manager, Pro Industry

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Trusted by 70+ leaders in the people industry

Reports & guides

View our latest learnings

Published on
August 9, 2023

9 Social media job ad templates

This downloadable guide offers you 9 proven social media job ad templates, specifically curated for recruitment. Each template is presented with its concept, the rationale behind its success, a practical visual for reference, and sample ad copy you can use instantly.

Recruiting on social media makes sense

Make more placements while keeping a clear overview of costs and ROI.

Book a demo
Lower job ad spend
Higher job ad ROI
More positions filled